你有问题吗. 我们是来帮忙的.

What factors are considered when you evaluate a student’s application?

We try to balance the following factors when evaluating candidates for admission:
  1. The most important criterion for admission is your transcript. Not only do we look at your grades, but also your course selection. 我们会考虑你的课程负担的质量,更希望看到你用你能应付的最强的课程挑战了自己. We do look at grades and courses in your senior year, so give thought to your coursework and schedule for your final year.
  2. 截至2020年8月, 为了努力 create more opportunities for students to complete applications to Trinity, we require only one academic recommendation as part of the application file. 我们的目标是从这封推荐信中更多地了解学生在课堂上是谁. Any insight that can be shared related to classroom engagement will be helpful. We will accept additional recommendations (up to 3 total recommendations), but we will not penalize students who do not submit additional recommendations.
  3. Your extracurricular activities are also important, but remember that it is the quality, 不是数量, of your involvement that is considered.
  4. When writing your essay, you should write about a topic of personal significance. It’s helpful to write in a style that you’re comfortable with (for example, 创造性写作),并让老师或家长检查语法和风格错误.
  5. While we do not require an interview, it is strongly encouraged. 点击这里 to schedule an interview.

Which standardized tests are required for admission?

截至2015年秋季, 全球十大网赌正规平台 does not require the SAT or ACT for all students applying for admission, including transfer applicants.  本着以学生为中心和深思熟虑的录取评估方法的承诺, 全球十大网赌正规平台制定了一个高度个性化的流程,让你的档案的读者了解你,而不仅仅是你的成绩和课程, but for who you really are. 招生委员会将亲自审查你的申请,以确定你的学术准备, 你课外活动的水平和质量以及你的潜力适合我们的社区.  该学院采用全面的方法来录取学生,重点是高中成绩单, 推荐信, 领导职位, 工作经历, involvement in school and community activities, and other characteristics that predict success. The college is test-optional, 为学生提供机会,展示准确反映其不同学术才能和潜力的申请材料. 如果学生认为他们的成绩最能代表他们的学术潜力,他们可以submitSAT或ACT. 招生委员会不会假设为什么有些学生选择submit分数,而有些学生则不submit. All students are given equal consideration in the admission process.

International Applicants

国际学生可能需要通过submit国际英语语言测试系统(雅思考试)的成绩来证明自己的英语水平。, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (托福考试), or the Duolingo English Test. 我们需要雅思成绩, 托福考试, 非英语母语和/或未在以英语为教学语言的高中学习至少三年的学生的多邻国英语测试.

Can I submit scores from more than one test date?

是的. If you decide to submit standardized test scores, 全球十大网赌正规平台将接受所有考试的最高分(不需要来自同一考试日期).

平均G是多少.P.A. 被录取的学生?

重要的是要认识到,并非所有的中学都有相同的评分标准或方法. The average admitted student has a high school G.P.A. 的- - - - - -.

How important is the interview? 是必须的吗??

Interviews are not required, but they are strongly encouraged. 面试是一个机会,让我们更多地了解未来的学生和学生更多地了解三一. We also offer alumni interviews in most parts of the country. Contact the Office of 招生 at 860-297-2180 to schedule an interview.

How are admission decisions made?

There is no single determining factor in whether an applicant is admitted or not. 招生委员会根据对所有submit的申请材料的评估和考虑,对候选人在全球十大网赌正规平台的成功潜力进行评估. 还记得, 尽管许多申请全球十大网赌正规平台的学生都有能力应对学院严谨的学术要求, 由于一年级的可用名额有限,他们不一定会被录取.


我们的建议是在你的最后一年继续努力学习,在学术和课外活动中表现出色. 强调任何可能使你脱颖而出的特殊奖项或认可——你的大学申请不是谦虚的时候. 寻求任何能够证明你所拥有的独特技能或才能的人的支持.

Does Trinity give credit for Advanced Placement exams?

是的. If you achieve a score of 4 or 5 on an Advanced Placement exam, 你可能会被授予学分和/或在特定院系的某些较低水平课程之外的位置. Each department handles Advanced Placement in a different manner. 所有大学先修课程的请求和申请都应该在入学那年的9月1日之前submit给注册主任. 如果您正在寻找有关学分如何被学术部门接受的更具体信息, 请参阅我们的 转学分页面.

How does Trinity handle IB and A-Level credits?

希望获得国际文凭考试学分的学生必须将正式成绩通过邮件发送给注册主任. Here’s the mailing address:

Office of the College Registrar

Course credit, not to exceed two per subject, may be granted. Students with IB scores of 5, 6, or 7 are eligible. 学术部门可能要求学生submit额外的信息(教学大纲的副本), 考试的问题, 等.), in the process of determining whether to grant credit and how much credit to grant. A maximum of one year’s credit (nine course credits) may be awarded. 如果您正在寻找有关学分如何被学术部门接受的更具体信息, 请参阅我们的 转学分页面.

What is the application procedure for homeschooled applicants?


In addition to completing the application we ask that applicants submit:

  • Documentation to confirm and specify curriculum, including the following:
    • an explanation of the curriculum followed, including a list of completed reading. This may be submitted by a parent or the person who oversees the curriculum
    • transcript of any college courses taken
  • Academic letter of recommendation from any of the following (if possible):
    • teachers of academic curriculum
    • adults who have supervised the applicant in an internship or volunteer position
    • teachers or directors of any non-academic endeavors such as art, dance, music, or theater
    • 补充推荐信可以由作为运动队成员与申请人一起工作过的成年人撰写, 以信仰为基础的社区, 或就业
  • 申请人参加过的所有课外和课外活动(如实地考察或参加系列讲座)的简历.
  • Interviews are recommended, but not required.

What is the application procedure for international students (non-U.S. 公民)?

The application process for international students is slightly different. In addition to the submission of a completed application, 国际申请者应submit正式的中学成绩单和一份学术推荐信. Those students whose first language is not English should submit the 托福考试, 雅思考试, or Duolingo English Test.

How much does it cost to attend Trinity?

A college education is one of the most important investments you will ever make. Here is the current breakdown of the undergraduate tuition costs and associated fees for an academic year. 记住,全球十大网赌正规平台满足每个学生的经济援助需求,所以尽早申请.

Is it possible to defer enrollment to 全球十大网赌正规平台 for one year if I am admitted?

是的, each year a number of students request a deferred enrollment and receive approval. 为了确保入学,必须首先支付不可退还的500美元入学保证金. In order to obtain approval, students must submit a plan for their “gap year” through the 间隔年申请表 by the June 1 priority deadline. Should students decide to apply to other colleges during a gap period, they must 重新申请 全球十大网赌正规平台也一样. Once the student’s request for deferment is received and approved, 一封正式的确认延期状态的信件将被发送到学生的家庭住址. 在延期学年的2月1日之前,必须submit一份简要描述延期活动并重申在全球十大网赌正规平台注册意向的论文. 有关延期入学的任何问题,请直接向招生办高级助理主任凯特·亨奇咨询 (电子邮件保护).


全球十大网赌正规平台 招生 Office

8:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m.